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Annual Meeting 1993
This year's Annual Meeting will convene on Monday afternoon, June 7, at 1:30 p.m. in the Extension of The Mother Church and will last about two hours. As provided by Mary Baker Eddy in the Manual of The Mother Church (Art. XIII, Sect. 1), "These assemblies shall be for listening to the reports of Treasurer, Clerk, and Committees, and general reports from the Field." Central to the meeting this year will be Mrs. Eddy's words "The fact remains, that the textbook of Christian Science is transforming the universe" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 372).
On Monday evening there will be a fruitage meeting in which students of the textbook will share, in the seventeen languages of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, how this book, together with the Bible, has been a transforming, healing power in their lives. Tuesday morning through midafternoon, a series of concurrent special meetings will focus on the textbook and its relationship to Sunday Schools, college organizations, lectures, Reading Rooms, and the public practice. Child care is provided during all meetings. Departments throughout the Church Center will also host open houses on Tuesday.
The Monday afternoon meeting, simultaneously translated into French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish, will be relayed via delayed broadcast on The Mother Church's shortwave network the following weekend. There are also plans to broadcast portions of the other activities on succeeding weekends.
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April 19, 1993 issue
View Issue-
The Editors
Prayer and the environment
Nancy Goodman Tucher
No nuclear midnight in God's care
Rosalie E. Dunbar
On the Pulse of Morning
An excerpt from the poem by Maya Angelou
Letters to the PRESS—and other articles
with contributions from Linda Shaver
Healing at home, healing in the world
Alexis Deacon
Root out the dandelions!
Robert A. Moss
K. McG.
"In earth, as it is in heaven"
William E. Moody
Respect for conscience
Barbara M. Vining
Having loved and studied Christian Science for over fifty...
Helen Swanson Ruhl
Can God bring healing to a situation that appears beyond...
Jeffrey L. Plum
At one time I had the desire to become a member of a...
Sally Ann Beale
Our family has enjoyed innumerable blessings through the...
Patsy F. Laughridge