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The real exposure
Healing of sin involves much more than simply personal efforts to expose evil.
Mulling over the misdeeds of someone else one day, I was brought up short by a statement in Miscellaneous Writings by Mrs. Eddy. She writes, "We must love our enemies in all the manifestations wherein and whereby we love our friends; must even try not to expose their faults, but to do them good whenever opportunity occurs" (p. 11).
Not expose their faults? I could understand loving another in spite of what I might see as shortcomings. But wasn't exposure of evil necessary? Besides, overlooking other's faults that were harming me seemed rather spineless. Giving someone a piece of my mind seemed more in order.
Yet the admonition was clear. Consistent love, not disclosure of faults, was required. This impelled me to consider more deeply the exposure of evil required of us as Christians.
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October 25, 1993 issue
View Issue-
from the Editors
The Editors
Peer pressure?
Beverly Bemis Hawks DeWindt
Second Thought
"Did God unleash floods to punish Midwest?" by Rabbi Neil Sandler
Party animal? That's not you!
Jonathan Daugherty
A higher basis for leadership
Lyle R. Young
The real exposure
Sandra Peterson
Promise of peace
Eleanor P. Humphrey
Perfectionism isn't enough
Russ Gerber
Children and their choices
Mary Metzner Trammell
Mary Baker Eddy makes the statement "Christian Science is...
Pamela Jean Smith with contributions from David Chester Smith
The most vivid healing I've had in Christian Science took...
Rosalind F. Grande
"God creates all forms of reality."
Isa Mathison
When we're working out our salvation with the understanding...
Mary M. Henderson