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Mary Baker Eddy makes the statement "Christian Science is...
Mary Baker Eddy makes the statement "Christian Science is always the most skilful surgeon, but surgery is the branch of its healing which will be last acknowledged" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 402). Our family has seen proof that this statement is true and that this type of healing is possible today.
When our oldest daughter was about eight years old, a growth suddenly appeared on her cheek. I was just leaving to go out for an evening's fun activity, but since the condition had so impressed me, I knew I couldn't possibly leave without first caring for my daughter and praying both for her and for myself.
I went into a room on the lower level of our home and prayed. At first I wasn't able to control my thought very well, so I earnestly reached out to God to guide me. Immediately the thought came, "You've studied the Lesson-Sermon thoroughly enough to have made a note in your Quarterly next to nearly every citation. Using those notes, apply the spiritual truths you've learned to this situation." Eagerly, and with gratitude, I obeyed.
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October 25, 1993 issue
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from the Editors
The Editors
Peer pressure?
Beverly Bemis Hawks DeWindt
Second Thought
"Did God unleash floods to punish Midwest?" by Rabbi Neil Sandler
Party animal? That's not you!
Jonathan Daugherty
A higher basis for leadership
Lyle R. Young
The real exposure
Sandra Peterson
Promise of peace
Eleanor P. Humphrey
Perfectionism isn't enough
Russ Gerber
Children and their choices
Mary Metzner Trammell
Mary Baker Eddy makes the statement "Christian Science is...
Pamela Jean Smith with contributions from David Chester Smith
The most vivid healing I've had in Christian Science took...
Rosalind F. Grande
"God creates all forms of reality."
Isa Mathison
When we're working out our salvation with the understanding...
Mary M. Henderson