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Exploring ideas together
Below is a list of 1992 and 1993 Regional Youth Meetings initiated by local Christian Scientists for everyone from ages twelve through thirty.
Rocky Mountain: Estes Park, CO, September 4, 5, 6, 7, 1992 (for ages 16—30-something) and May 14, 15, 16, 1993 (for junior and senior high school)
For more information call: (800) 397—6169 or Barbara Wallace (303) 674—1386
Northeast: Cambridge, MA, October 2, 3, 4, 1992
For more information call: Jane Martin (617) 247—3050
Mid-Atlantic: McAfee, NJ, October 30, 31, November 1, 1992
For more information call: Christine Marshall (516) 473—5480
Central Midwest: St. Louis, MO, Spring 1993
For more information call: Doris Filiatrault (314) 537—0906
Northern California: Stanford, CA, June 25, 26, 27, 1993
For more information call: Judith Patterson (510) 865—7997
Florida/Caribbean: Summer 1993
For more information call: David Hall (813) 277—0432
Watch for further news in upcoming issues of the Sentinel. For general information about Youth Meetings call Special Programs in the Clerk's Office: (800) 343—7155, ext. 3404 (from the U.S. and Canada) or (617) 450—3404.
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August 24, 1992 issue
View Issue-
The Editors
Finding our true value
Marian Cates
Why not turn to God?
Elaine R. Follis
Second Thought
"Back From Oblivion, a Tribe Forges a Future" by Timothy Egan
Your life is worth living
Written for the Sentinel
"My identity is not the product of how other people see me"
with contributions from Amy Dresser
"Who am I?"
Richard C. Bergenheim
Our Christian calling
William E. Moody
Prayer works!
Japhet David Martin
Over a period of several years, I gained a considerable...
Michelle Boccanfuso
I don't know why I stepped on the bee, or why I didn't see...
Kirk Wills with contributions from Sue Blanford Wills