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A Little less than two years ago I had virtually no knowledge...
A Little less than two years ago I had virtually no knowledge of Christian Science. One evening while I was watching the news on television, the reporting of a court case involving a Christian Scientist couple made an impression upon me. I remembered that a friend at work was a Christian Scientist, so I decided to ask him some questions. He patiently explained some of the concepts of Christian Science, and the ideas intrigued me. I asked if he had anything to read that I could borrow, and the next day he gave me a copy of Spiritual Healing in a Scientific Age by Robert Peel. I proceeded to ask more questions, and from that time on he gave me a steady flow of Christian Science magazines and other Christian Science literature.
At that time in my life I had many problems and was feeling hopeless. Now for the first time I was beginning to understand my relationship to God in a different light. Instead of fearing God, I understood He was the all-loving Father-Mother and that because I was His child I could never be separated from His righteous qualities; in truth, I could not be touched by evil. The spiritual facts I was hungering for were now at my fingertips, and filling a void within me. Up to this time, the picture that I had painted of myself was one of gloom and doom. Now I saw a bright road ahead full of God's goodness and abundant love. I found that His guidance and direction were there for me and that I just needed to be still and listen, although many times this was easier said than done.
My viewpoint began to change. I started to see and appreciate all the good in my life instead of dwelling on the negative. Coming from a different religious background, I encountered much initial skepticism from friends and family, and it took a lot of courage for me to stand up for the truths I now believed. I began to attend Wednesday evening testimony meetings and eventually Sunday services at a local Christian Science church. The love that I felt from the members there was just wonderful.
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August 24, 1992 issue
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The Editors
Finding our true value
Marian Cates
Why not turn to God?
Elaine R. Follis
Second Thought
"Back From Oblivion, a Tribe Forges a Future" by Timothy Egan
Your life is worth living
Written for the Sentinel
"My identity is not the product of how other people see me"
with contributions from Amy Dresser
"Who am I?"
Richard C. Bergenheim
Our Christian calling
William E. Moody
Prayer works!
Japhet David Martin
Over a period of several years, I gained a considerable...
Michelle Boccanfuso
I don't know why I stepped on the bee, or why I didn't see...
Kirk Wills with contributions from Sue Blanford Wills