[Original in Spanish]

When I was in the third grade, I understood little about mathematics

When I was in the third grade, I understood little about mathematics. One day I flunked an examination. I had not had the courage to tell my teacher that I did not understand anything of what she was explaining of the material. Mother phoned a Christian Science practitioner and asked her to pray for me. The practitioner told her that she would be glad to help me.

Soon I realized that God is the only Mind and that I truly reflect God, the source of all understanding. In a little while I began to understand a bit more in each math class, and my grades were higher. At the end of the year I got a grade of "outstanding!" Mother thanked the practitioner for her help. Since that time, I have not received a bad grade.

San Isidro, Argentina

This occurred just as my daughter has told it. She was eight years old at the time of the healing.


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December 30, 1985

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