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[Original in German]
Approximately nineteen years ago I became acquainted...
Approximately nineteen years ago I became acquainted with Christian Science. At that time I was sick in body and soul—my clear view of Truth was clouded. I had several operations involving my gallbladder and a tumor in my breast, plus an operation to remove my appendix. After these operations I weighed a little over eighty pounds and was without inner stability or faith. In fact, I had given up hope of recovery. Then I had a complete breakdown.
The second half of that year (after a brief interruption) I was under intense neurological care. My husband was called in to see the doctor for a last appointment, during which a decision was to be made about the mental hospital I should be committed to. When I found out about this, I asked the doctor for a slight postponement of the decision, which she granted. (I had quietly begun a study of Christian Science, and small glimpses of Bible truths were very gently awakening hope of recovery in me.) There followed a very difficult road, for many discouragements were yet to be overcome: erroneous notions had become embedded in my thinking, and instead of pressing forward I made the great mistake of looking back. Doing this made the ghost of hopeless illness seem very real to me. It also repeatedly caused me to feel self-pity and bitterness about my supposed lot in life. Despite all of these obstacles, however, I continued to read the textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I had to do it inconspicuously though, because, after all, I was considered mentally ill.
Finally, it could no longer be concealed from my husband that a change for the better was occurring in regard to my psychological well-being—he knew that I must have found a healing source somewhere. He then accompanied me to a Wednesday testimony meeting. This marked a most beautiful new beginning of peace and togetherness in our marriage. At that time I was completely healed—physically and mentally—solely through the teachings of Christian Science. (I was never committed to the mental hospital.) I quickly regained weight until I reached sixty-five kilograms [about one hundred forty-three pounds], which had been my weight before the illnesses. After this healing, doctors were not consulted anymore, for my new awareness of God in divine Science told me that I was subject only to the infallible law of Christ.
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September 20, 1982 issue
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No profitless experience
A love that transcends time
What to remember? What to forget?
The "man in an iron cage"
Saying goodbye
The past is not beyond the reach of prayer
Wake up from your mistakes
Drop the burdens of the past!
Healing sins of omission
Answer to prayer
Malcolm Allison