A lifelong Christian Scientist, I was enrolled in...

A lifelong Christian Scientist, I was enrolled in the Christian Science Sunday School at the age of four. I continued there until age thirteen, when we moved to an area that did not have a Church of Christ, Scientist. But my mother "carried" church with us, for the Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly was studied faithfully every day, and this Science was practiced to the best of our understanding.

As a young mother, I suffered from nervous prostration. My own mother saw my extreme fear and said, "You mustn't be afraid. Remember Job's words (3:25), 'The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me.' "I certainly did not want to be afraid, but how was I to get rid of fear? Then came the message (I John 4:18), "Perfect love casteth out fear." I reasoned, "God is perfect Love; He casts out fear; but what must I do?" Again came an angel thought, "I must express that perfect Love."

So I tried moment by moment to fill my thoughts with love and gratitude; to be more patient with my husband and the children; and to appreciate the flowers, birds, and other beauties of nature. I saw how quick-tempered and impatient I had been and found that if I could fill my thought completely with love for a moment, in that moment there was no fear. I was unable to read or write during this period because of the fear. My husband took me to see a Christian Science practitioner, who prayed for me. She was a tower of strength, and I am deeply thankful for her patience and love.

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May 3, 1982

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