"What cannot God do?"

Many indeed are the lessons that can strengthen our faith. The Bible shows us God's mighty acts, whereby things impossible to mortals are shown to be possible to God. Certainly, nothing is impossible to God. In the wilderness, the Bible tells us, manna came down from heaven, and water came out of a rock. The sea became dry land for the Israelites as they fled from slavery, while the pursuing chariots of the Egyptians were impeded and overwhelmed.

What else can God do? Christ Jesus showed us that God can calm a storm and heal the sick. He can even feed more than five thousand people with five loaves and two fishes and still have twelve basketfuls left over.

Yet sometimes we may still be fearful about whether God can meet our particular needs. Do we still ask if God can "furnish a table in the wilderness"? Ps. 78:19. "What cannot God do?" Science and Health, p. 135. answers Mrs. Eddy, in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health. Christ Jesus proved convincingly that God is able to do all things. God's infinite ability is independent of human or material factors, though He may make us instruments of His love for the benefit of ourselves and others. The power of divine Love is so great that our needs can be provided for in the mere twinkling of an eye. Love gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want.

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Immortal resolve
September 21, 1981

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