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It's much more than perception of sound
Our Spiritual Listening
What's your efficiency rate for listening? According to popular thought, the average individual is said to operate on a listening efficiency level of under 50 percent. A great deal that is coming our way is said to be lost to us.
This may not be of great concern in many situations, but it gives us much to think about as we remember how often scientific prayer is a form of listening. "The intercommunication is always from God to His idea, man," Science and Health, p. 284; says Mrs. Eddy. She also writes: "The effects of Christian Science are not so much seen as felt. It is the 'still, small voice' of Truth uttering itself. We are either turning away from this utterance, or we are listening to it and going up higher." ibid., p. 323;
Listening can be of key importance to our spiritual growth. At first thought, listening may seem to be more or less inactive. Yet so often it is found to be the first real step of action. The simple act of listening for spiritual truth can begin to lift us out of a limited, mortal sense of ourselves into the consciousness of God's unlimited, perfect creation.
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March 12, 1977 issue
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Keeping Ahead of the Weeds
Hazel A. Hather
Our Spiritual Listening
Mind Is All-action
Joy Is Now
The Right Spirit
Constance Harned Wise
Mary Learns a Lesson
Margaret Mitford Seeley
E. Stuart Wells
Don't Forget It!
Betty Jane Thorne
Following the Trends of Truth
Geoffrey J. Barratt
At Home Away from Home
Naomi Price
I had been introduced to Christian Science about two years before...
Camilla S. Castins
Words cannot express my gratitude for having been brought...
Arthur F. Wright
One day a few years ago, a severe pain developed in the lower...
Robert G. Thompson
Two summers ago I went to a Girl Scout camp up in the mountains...
Julie Miles with contributions from Pamela Ludlam Miles
One day last winter while walking to the mailbox, down an icy...
Eleanor H. Brenes
Letters to the Press
William S. Stay