Now and then I've wondered why people tend to admire, sometimes enviously, the "stars" of today, those in the limelight in the areas of stage, music, screen, sports.
When the emerging adult in your family resents your advice or guidance, rebels against your authority, questions your judgment, or rejects your standards with verbal attack, you may feel there is a knife in your heart.
There is no need to fear the future—the prospect of loneliness and hopelessness—if, apparently through no fault of your own, it becomes necessary to go through a divorce.
God is here with me tonightAnd God is out among the stars,And if at dawn I take my flightTo some far island's lonely shores,I'll find Him waiting where I come:His omnipresence is my home.
Martha work and Mary work—the phrase sometimes comes up during church membership meetings when the activities of the church are reviewed along with the personnel and budgetary needs of the various committees.
"Now let's see if Christian Science works," challenged a dear member of the family as I hobbled into the living room, an ankle badly sprained, quite ill from shock.
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