Getting Good

"I'm glad I can play with you today 'cause tomorrow maybe I can't I'm going to get measles," said Peter to Allen one day while they were riding their trikes together. Peter's older brother and sister were both home from school with that complaint. In fact, most of the kids on the block had had it that spring and summer. It seemed to be what everyone was doing.

Allen was the only one who wasn't figuring on measles. He was only four and a half, but he knew enough not to be fooled by sickness. Allen was a Christian Scientist and had learned in Sunday School that only what God gives us is what belongs to us. The Bible tells us, "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." Gen. 1:31; He had also learned that Mrs. Eddy says, "God is everywhere, and nothing apart from Him is present or has power." Science and Health, p. 473.

"You know, Peter," Allen said, "you don't have to get measles. It's not good. So it's not from God. I know that God makes only good. He gives only good to us. So you don't have to get it. He gives only good to us. So you don't have to get it. No one has to."

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Reality-Divinely Mental
December 13, 1975

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