I am grateful for having been raised in a Christian Science family

I am grateful for having been raised in a Christian Science family. I attended the Christian Science Sunday School, although I wasn't very regular in attendance during my teens, and stopped altogether long before I was twenty. However, before I was married I had an understanding with my husband-to-be that I would rely on Christian Science for healing and would raise our children in Christian Science.

One healing that is outstanding to me took place when our son was about twelve years old and we lived on acreage having a peach orchard. My husband, who was not a student of Christian Science, stayed home to work in the orchard one Saturday, and had the boy helping him. The boy ran the cultivator just about all day. The machine was heavy and the work hard, and by the time I called him to dinner, he told me it hurt him to breathe. So while he lay on his bed, I read to him from Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, the answer to the question "What is man?" (p.475): "Man is not matter; he is not made up of brain, blood, bones, and other material elements. The Scriptures inform us that man is made in the image and likeness of God. Matter is not that likeness." There is more, and we read and discussed it, and in a very short time he was free from pain and went to play with a neighbor boy.

A healing I had some years later was that of loss of equilibrium. It seemed these dizzy spells came upon me gradually until one day I couldn't get out of bed without assistance or stand alone. My daughter called a practitioner, who gave me treatment, and within two days I was able to go back to work. I have not had a return of dizziness since.

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Words of Current Interest
February 10, 1973

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