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Many years ago, while hundreds of miles from home, my father...
Many years ago, while hundreds of miles from home, my father was involved in an automobile accident and was taken, unconscious, to the nearest hospital in an ambulance. X rays showed a severe skull fracture. My mother flew to join him the next day, and I followed later. Although he did know something of the teachings of Christian Science, my father was not a Christian Scientist, and my mother had to agree, eventually, to the doctors' urging for an operation to be performed. After it, one of the surgeons told my mother that they had had to remove a damaged portion of my father's brain, from that part which medical science says controls coherency of thought and speech. The medical beliefs voiced at that time were very grave and extremely limiting.
My mother was being supported by the prayers of a dedicated Christian Science practitioner throughout this experience, and she and the practitioner refused to accept the medical predictions. Together they prayed to behold more clearly the man that God had created whole, perfect, and entirely spiritual. My mother's steadfast courage will always be a shining example to me.
Once home, my father gradually showed interest in the copies of the Bible, and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, which my mother left beside his bed. Before long he was reading them and asked to talk to a practitioner. He was completely healed through Christian Science treatment and was once more vitally alert. The healing also extended to multiple cracked vertebrae and a broken wrist sustained in the accident. In less than three months he was back in the business world, and later joined The Mother Church and a branch church. What joyous memories I have of our family attending church together before I married and moved to another country! This healing occurred twenty-one years ago, and since that time my father has led an extremely vigorous life and is still active in the business world in a highly competitive industry.
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September 23, 1972 issue
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Spiritually Inspired Poise
Discord Is Misunderstanding
To Overcome Fear
Making Cold Relationships Like New
Doris Kerns Quinn
Sylvia N. Poling
Love Can Heal the World
Carl J. Welz
God's Care for Little Children
Naomi Price
I would like to tell of a wonderful healing I had of being a slave...
William E. Tongue with contributions from Elsie M. Tongue
Many years ago, while hundreds of miles from home, my father...
Diana Margaret Waller with contributions from Wyville Field, Michael Reginald Waller
For the many blessings that Christian Science has brought to...
Alexandra W. Hawley
Though I had been familiar with Christian Science for some...
Carole A. Schulman with contributions from Nathan J. Schulman