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Convincing testimonies of healing in Christian Science are welcomed for publication form members of The Mother Church and from students who are not members. If possible, they should be typed, triple spaced, on one side of the paper only and with wide margins. A testimony should be concise and include only the important points necessary to tell of the healings. Thus more testimonies can be published. Testimonies should be signed by the testifier and verified by three members of The Mother Church who can vouch for the integrity of the testifier or have witnessed the healings. If the testifier is unacquainted with three members, his affidavit may be sufficient, but in this case he should, if possible, obtain verification from one or two members. The testifier should submit the verifications with the testimony. Complete addresses of the testifier and his vouchers should be furnished.
Testimonies should be addressed to Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department, One Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115.
Publication of Italian, Norwegian, and Portuguese editions of Mary Baker Eddy: An Appraisal is announced by the Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society. They join the Dutch, French, German, and Spanish translations that are already in print. These seven and the English edition, bearing the title Mary Baker Eddy: A Centennial Appreciation, are priced at $2.50 each.
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August 31, 1968 issue
View Issue-
Work from the Right Standpoint!
Purifying Thought Daily
Who Governs the Earth?
Happiness Is for You
What Are We Remembering?
Elizabeth F. Weidner
"It is well"
Beauty in Daily Life
How Do We Overcome Fear?
William Milford Correll
Consciousness and Health
Alan A. Aylwin
For over thirty years I had been a sufferer from severe arthritis
Alexander Thatcher
I have had the blessings of the teaching of Christian Science all...
Elsie G. Hagelee with contributions from Mildred A. Humphries
One evening while doing some remodeling on my basement...
John E. Rudquist with contributions from Barbara Anderson Rudquist
Christian Science is the only religion I have known
Dorothy Goodell
I am twelve years old
Randy Rosebush with contributions from Jacqueline M. Rosebush
RADIO PROGRAM NO. 334 - Overcoming a Hostile Environment
Theodore Clapp with contributions from Jack Krieger
Signs of the Times
William J. Carter