In my early teens I was seeking an answer to the question, What. . .

In my early teens I was seeking an answer to the question, What is life's purpose? But not until many years later did I receive an answer. I was introduced to Christian Science by a relative who, while visiting me, saw my need and very lovingly asked if she could work for me. I felt impelled to accept her offer. My relative soon joyously departed, and I was left to ponder what she meant by "work for you." Then it dawned upon me that she was going to pray for me. I immediately shut myself in a room and prayed humbly and sincerely. I don't remember what I prayed, but after a time I felt unburdened, even joyous—my troubles were forgotten.

Two days later an aunt called to bring a parcel for my mother and me. Its contents met our immediate need. My problem had been lack. This experience convinced me that righteous prayers are answered. Following this, I attended a Christian Science lecture and afterward a Christian Science testimony meeting. In each case I was regenerated. Then my relative gave me a copy of the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and showed me how to study the Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly.

My religious upbringing had given me a concept of God as great king in the heavens. As I read the textbook, I glimpsed a little of the truths of God as omnipresent and omnipotent divine Love. I could not leave the book alone.

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Testimony of Healing
Every day I give thanks for the wonders that open up for me...
July 13, 1968

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