"Grand human capacities"

Every right-minded person wants to increase his capacities— his active mental powers, his intelligent abilities, and he wants to do it now. He instinctively rebels at the limitations which the carnal, or mortal, mind attributes to him; and this is a right rebellion. Whether he realizes it or not, his rebellion is against the devil, the false mind which Jesus termed "a liar," having "no truth in him." John 8:44;

But one must implement rebellion with effort, with action, and not settle into a state of resentment. A great boon of Christian Science is that through it one can break down limitations. This he does by the right worship of God, which requires the recognition of Him as Spirit, Mind, as All, and as the Maker of a perfect, spiritual man.

In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures'' Mary Baker Eddy links true worship with increased capacities when she says, "Moses advanced a nation to the worship of God in Spirit instead of matter, and illustrated the grand human capacities of being bestowed by immortal Mind." Science and Health, p. 200;

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Knowing God as Infinite Person
April 30, 1966

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