I had the privilege of attending the Christian Science Sunday School...

I had the privilege of attending the Christian Science Sunday School as a child. I knew the benefits of using the truth to solve daily problems, but this did not prevent me from becoming a very passive student of Christian Science during college days and even after marriage.

With the arrival of a daughter came the realization of my need to understand and rely on God, for only He knew how to love and protect His child. The doctor who attended her birth informed me that because she had been carried wrong, she would have to wear a brace and do exercises for two years to straighten her neck. The immediate help of a Christian Science practitioner was so effective that the doctor never returned with his promised corrective instructions, and five days later the baby's neck was normal.

When the child was about nine months old her arm was accidentally scalded with hot water. She was in great pain. Immediately, I telephoned long-distance to a practitioner. Relief was instant, and the child suffered no more. Yet the arm looked red and ugly. I knew that the practitioner had done her work. Then the thought came, "You must do your share of the work."

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Testimony of Healing
A few years ago I had a growth on my eye
April 23, 1966

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