A few years ago I had a growth on my eye

A few years ago I had a growth on my eye. It grew larger, until I felt something had to be done about it. I visited a Christian Science practitioner, and I proceeded to work and pray in Christian Science as we are taught in our textbook. Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. My consciousness daily was completely filled with the omnipotence of God, and my eyes were opened to the importance of studying daily the Bible Lessons, given in the Christian Science Quarterly. Every day required patience and persistence to acquire a demonstrable understanding.

One statement from Science and Health stood out at that time, as I remember, it reads (p. 261), "Look away from the body into Truth and Love, the Principle of all happiness, harmony, and immortality." I am grateful to state that after a few months the growth fell away, and I have had no further trouble.

Another healing which f should like to relate at this time is the gaining of freedom from the habit of smoking cigarettes. I had never previously thought too much of joining The Mother Church, but now had come the time when this thought was greatly cherished. I knew that I had to make my demonstration of overcoming smoking. I again asked for the prayerful help of a practitioner. I remember she asked me to study Mrs. Eddy's poem "Christ My Refuge," in which we find these lines (Poems, p. 13):

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April 23, 1966

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