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College Organizations
What is the significance of the activities of Christian Science organizations at colleges and universities formed in accordance with Article XXIII, Section 8, of the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy? In the following report received by the College Organization Division, Department of Branches and Practitioners, a senior from a women's college answers this question:
"The organization functions as a meeting of people sharing the same values and aims. I remember, after anxiously seeing all those strange new classmates my first week at college, how fearful I was about maintaining my beliefs. Even my own roommate followed a religion differing radically from mine. Imagine my surprise and pleasure when I received an invitation to a reception held by the Christian Science organization! There I met many Scientists from all over campus who offered me any help I might need. Without this meeting I might not have known that another student in my dormitory thought as I did; this companionship strengthened me. In social situations outside campus I often recognized Scientists whose conduct was an outstanding example to me. The organization has been a source of support and meaningful friendships.
"The Christian Science college organization provides an opportunity to learn practical skills for later work in branch churches. By taking turns at preparing the readings, for instance, everyone learns how to use Concordances. We can realize that our joyful duty to share testimonies need not be a frightening experience. It is an indispensable lesson for active Christian Scientists. Lecture preparations provide experience for many other organization members. Now, as organization president, I foresee new opportunities of working in Christian Science, especially in personal relationships.
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September 26, 1964 issue
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Are We Solving Our Problems?
The Value of Calmness in Emergencies
Althea Brooks Hollenbeck
The Higher Mission
The Claims of Truth
"Harmony is the real"
"Distinctly democratic"
Helen Wood Bauman
Working to Prevent Crime
Carl J. Welz
I should like to tell of a healing...
Augusta B. Gillmore with contributions from Reginald W. Gillmore
Isaiah states (59:19), "When...
Grayce G. Young
How divinely inspiring it is to...
Anna Pindler
Early in 1916 Christian Science...
Aldeane M. Lathrop
I should like to express my gratitude...
Juanita Lee Thompson with contributions from Marie W. Thompson
"The blessing of the Lord, it...
Robert McClellan Davis
I was not one who came to...
Grace Wenhold
I have had many beautiful...
Una L. McAdam
Signs of the Times
M. Fouad E. Accad