The outstanding healing in my...

The outstanding healing in my experience to date has been the overcoming of the belief of separation, which appears to have many facets—all attempts of error to suggest that man is not at one with God, good. In an earlier testimony I related my healing of grief at the passing of my husband. I told how it soon became clear to me that God says to each of His children, as the father said to his elder child in the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:31), "Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine." Thus the laws of spiritual sonship, unity, abundance, and inheritance began to operate in behalf of my children and me.

This realization of God's fatherhood was of immeasurable help years later when I received word that one of my sons was missing in action. When the final pronouncement of death came, I could say with Paul (Acts 20: 24), "None of these things move me," because within ten minutes after the first telegram arrived I recalled what Mrs. Eddy says on page 386 of Science and Health about the healing of grief. Included on that page is the unequivocal statement that "error, not Truth, produces all the suffering on earth."

I recognized sometime later that I had been instantaneously healed, and so fortified against suggestions of self-pity, need of sympathy, and loneliness. I readily acknowledged God as the only parent, in whom "we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28).

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Testimony of Healing
During my freshman year in...
April 4, 1964

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