when one sees many birds which were near each other on the ground suddenly arise together in flight without a mishap, one glimpses an evidence of the control of the one perfect intelligence, or Mind.
Payments of per capita tax and contributions, also changes of address, should be sent to Roy Garrett Watson, Treasurer, 107 Falmouth Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
Because the United States, Great Britain, Canada, and other countries are increasing the size of their Armed Forces and because as a consequence more Christian Scientists are going into the forces and receiving recruit training, we are devoting this column as well as last month's column to a report of what Christian Science Activities for the Armed Services is doing for recruits.
Christian Science treatment was recommended to me, I was returning home from a consultation with a well-known surgeon, one of seven physicians I had consulted over a period of a year.
two years ago I was accosted by two youths who hit me with a bottle first on the right side of my forehead and then on my left check, lacerating it just below my left eye.
a heart filled with gratitude to and love for God I wish to testify to the many blessings I have been privileged to experience through Christian Science, which has taught me to rely unreservedly on God in all situations.
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