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The Bible and the Christ
The Bible is a record of the glorious appearing of God and His Christ to benighted humanity. It shows mankind how to find the door to the kingdom of heaven, how to achieve the mental state in which God is supreme and man exists in his full stature in Christ. To grasp the message of the Bible, one must understand the Christ as Truth, the eternal and universal ideal of God.
Christian Science, the Science of Christ, makes clear the Bible message. It shows that Christ Jesus, in his brief career, demonstrated his identification with the Christ, Truth, thus proving himself to be God's beloved Son. This caused him to merit the title of Christ, and in this aspect of the term there can be but one Christ, one corporeal Saviour. But the incorporeal Saviour, the one universal Christ, Truth, is timeless. It has existed forever, and it includes all individualities.
In the Bible we find that the impersonal Christ blessed mankind for ages before the Master lived on earth. It has continued to unfold real being ever since he left. Mary Baker Eddy says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 333), "Throughout all generations both before and after the Christian era, the Christ, as the spiritual idea,—the reflection of God,—has come with some measure of power and grace to all prepared to receive Christ, Truth."
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October 13, 1962 issue
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Thought Determines Experience
The Warp and the Woof
Olive Scholes
"Love is the liberator"
"The secret place of the most High"
Jane R. Harwood
A College Student Writes
The Bible and the Christ
Helen Wood Bauman
Spiritual Originality versus Materialism
Carl J. Welz
Building Up the Sunday School
By Ewart Bisbee White,
Christian Science was first...
Bessie G. David
Jesus' statement (John 10:10)...
Claire K. White with contributions from Edward A. White
I should like to express my gratitude...
Jane Mackey Garber
In deep gratitude for the teachings...
Margaret B. Consley
About twenty years ago as a...
Kathryn P. Stutsman
It was about two years ago that...
Kin-Wan Chow
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Arthur E. Crouch