his familiar parable of the good Samaritan, Christ Jesus succinctly emphasized the need for not merely professing but expressing love toward mankind.
Contributions are most gratefully accepted by The Mother Church Treasured from members and friends for the following funds:Promotion and Extension FundTelevision and Radio FundGeneral FundRelief Fund (For General Relief Purposes)Fund for Armed Services ActivitesCharitable Institutions FundThe Christian Science Pleasant View HomeChristian Science Benevolent Association, Chestnut Hill, MassachusettsChristian Science Benevolent Association on Pacific Coast)
To ensure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada at least seven weeks before the date of the lecture; elsewhere, eight to eleven weeks.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
"I want especially to tell you about one phase of the activity of this Christian Science Reading Room in which there has been much unfoldment," writes a librarian in the southwestern section of the United States.
In 1950, I was attended by five doctors, including two specialists, and was given only six months to live because of a serious condition diagnosed as cancer.
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