The truth of those much-loved...

The truth of those much-loved and often-quoted words of Mrs. Eddy's (Science and Health, p. 494), "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need," has indeed been realized in my experience.

From childhood and through young womanhood I was never well. There was a constant dread of old age and of being left alone. After spending almost all of my funds on doctors and material remedies for the cure of asthma, I traveled to the Southwest in the hope that a different climate would help me. Instead of finding relief I grew worse, until I was desperate. One night I cried aloud to God for help, as I felt that I would die before morning if I did not get some relief. God heard my prayer, for a calm peace came to me which I had never before known.

About this time a niece sent me a copy of Science and Health and told me that if I would read it I would be helped. I began to read and was soon led to ask a practitioner for help. The healing was slow, but with the patient and persistent help of the faithful practitioner I set about to exchange the false beliefs regarding health and harmony for the right concept. The asthma was completely healed, and the healing has been permanent.

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Testimony of Healing
I am very grateful for Christian Science...
March 14, 1953

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