Many years ago a sister placed...

Many years ago a sister placed the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, in my hands. Not having heard anything about this teaching, I began to read at the beginning. Before I had finished the chapter on Prayer, I was thoroughly convinced that this was the truth which I had been seeking—the Comforter our Master had promised to send to us. I read every moment I could find from my household duties and the care of my three young daughters. Before long I was healed of chronic tonsillitis, sick headaches, indigestion caused from worry, as well as several other ailments, just by reading this book.

A year before I took up the study of this beautiful religion, our youngest daughter had suffered a severe attack of pneumonia, and the doc for said she could not survive another attack. When she became ill the following winter, I clung steadfastly to "the scientific statement of being," as given on page 468 of the textbook, and to the ninety-first Psalm. Long into the night, after the other members of the family had retired, I prayed and felt confident that my prayers had been answered. In a short time her breathing became normal, and she fell asleep and arose in the morning completely healed. She is in perfect health today.

No words can express my gratitude for the protection that we have experienced through the years. Financial difficulties have been straightened out, and our supply has always been at hand, however unpromising the circumstances.

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Testimony of Healing
It is my desire to express through...
October 29, 1949

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