members of associations of pupils of loyal teachers of Christian Science rightly look forward with eager expectancy to their annual association meetings.
The following statement came to us from one of our new members: "Experiences have proved overwhelmingly to me the vital part that membership in The Mother Church plays in an individual's progress from sense to Soul!"
Quite frequently checks and money orders are received by the Publishing Society with nothing to indicate whether the remittance is to be applied to subscriptions, advertising, or Journal cards, to mention a few of our accounts.
Those desiring information regarding radio programs mentioned in these columns may write to the Manager of Committees on Publication, 107 Falmouth Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts.
The wide appeal of the accurately and constructively presented news found in The Christian Science Monitor was illustrated in the experience of a Christian Scientist in England who left his peacetime work in 1943 to aid the national effort in a factory.
When Christian Science was first presented to me, five years ago, I had recently lost a dear one and was alone with two small boys, filled with fear and much distraught.
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