No happenings of earth, no shattering blast,Can scatter or destroy the sun's bright rays;Unharmed, untouched, throughout the centuries pastTheir light has shone, and ever through the daysWill beautify and cast their radianceOn land and sea and every living thing,No violence of earth's experienceExtinguishes the glory which they bring.
the book of Judges is the account of the vision which came to Gideon at a time when Israel had turned away from the worship of the one God and had been overcome in battle by the Midianites.
is the imperative demand of God, divine Mind, the eternal unfoldment of its own being, its own beauty, harmony, law, and power, within the infinite realm of its own reality.
One day a telephone call came from a stranger who said that a friend of his, who was both blind and crippled, had had a loan of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy in Braille, and had gained much good from reading it.
Daily my respect for and gratitude to our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, grows, and I appreciate more fully her wonderful service to all mankind in giving us Christian Science.
I should like to express my gratitude to God for Christian Science and to tell of some healings which I have experienced through its application, and which offer proof of the power of Truth.
At this time when there is such a demand for homes and living quarters, with seemingly none available, it is good to be still and listen to what God, divine Love, has to tell us.
It is with sincere gratitude for all the blessings that have come to me and to my family since I took up the study of Christian Science that I wish to submit this testimony.
I wish to join the chorus of thanks and praise being raised by Christian Scientists all over the world for their beautiful religion and its healing efficacy.
I know
that Love is governing my dayInstead of foolish fear and human will,And that I travel Life's eternal wayInstead of hurry's limiting treadmill;That Spirit's joys inspire each task I doInstead of lust for money, ease, or fame;That man's Godlike perfection fills my viewInstead of what lack, sin, and sickness claim.
Per Capita Tax, as provided in the Church Manual, Article VIII, Section 13, is due annually from "every member of The Mother Church" and "shall be forwarded each year to the Church Treasurer.
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