a considerable number of years the writer's work kept him in small and far-distant outposts of the Field, where it was literally a case of building from the two or three gathered together in the name of Christian Science.
suppositional warfare between truth and error is only the mental conflict between the evidence of the spiritual senses and the testimony of the material senses, and this warfare between the Spirit and flesh will settle all questions through faith in and the understanding of divine Love.
break the Christ-blessed bread of Life todayAs did those others long ago on Galilean shore,And feed the hungry multitudes who follow—stumbling—in the wayAnd seek a light to guide them evermore.
lover of rhetoric does not delight in the majestic cadences of the book of Job! In all literature can cue find, for instance, a more exalted expression than this.
Christian Science was first mentioned to me when an aunt, who had just begun its study, remarked that I should look into it for there was nothing else like it.
I am grateful for the opportunity which I have had during the past fifteen years of serving the Cause of Christian Science through the activities of a branch church.
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