of Shakespeare's characters, in a moment of dissatisfaction with the way things are going, cries out impatiently, "Now is the winter of our discontent;" and we understand exactly how it is with him.
you been trying, from a broken or perhaps embittered heart, to reach out for comfort and help and inspiration; and has comfort seemed far off, help nonexistent, and inspiration dried up?
the thought come to you that we, together with thousands of others of many nationalities, ages, and types who are studying Christian Science, are studying exact Science, which will bring all men into the oneness of infinite Mind?
of the great lessons of the Bible is contained in the simple statement made concerning Jesus as he stood accused before his persecutors preceding his crucifixion.
to be free from the sufferings, limitations, and imperfections of a material sense of body, many people have turned for help to the works of Christ Jesus recorded in the Bible.
For some years it has been the custom for members of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, after several years of service thereon, to reserve some time to be devoted particularly to the study and practice of Christian Science.
Teachers of the older classes in the Sunday school are always interested in learning how they can better teach their pupils to appreciate the Bible Lessons from the Christian Science Quarterly, to study them regularly and systematically, and to value them as divinely authorized lessons, which are important to their well-being.
For a number of years I have been reading and enjoying the testimonies in our periodicals, and now I should like to add my gratitude to that of others, and be obedient to the Psalmist's admonition.
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