
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, announces a free public lecture on Christian Science by Adair Hickman, C.S.B., a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, in the Church Edifice, Norway, Falmouth, and St. Paul Streets, on Monday evening, April 24, 1944, at 7.45 o'clock. The public is cordially invited.

Churches and societies in the United States and Canada wishing to give lectures during the first two months of the next lecture year, namely July and August, 1944, are requested to inform the Board of Lectureship before May 25. Applicants will be advised about June 14 of the lecturers who will be available during July and August. Please address The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, 107 Falmouth Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts.

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Church Dedications
April 15, 1944

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