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The Lesson of the Lily Pool
In a garden was a lily pool fed by a spring. Among the lily pads were goldfish. One hot summer day the garden's owner found the lilies' leaves were curling, and the goldfish were languishing. What was the trouble? Soon he discovered that the little spring had dried up. No fresh water was coming into the pool. Quickly a supply of clean, fresh water was provided from another source; the goldfish revived, and the lilies resumed their normal beauty. What made the change? Fresh water, a continuous stream. The lilies and the little goldfish demanded it. Love supplied it.
Sometimes Christian Scientists begin mentally to wither, to lose their charm and sweetness, to droop with fatigue, to become irritable, critical, and unkind, to lose their spiritual vitality and alertness. Why? They are not letting into their consciousness the streams of constantly refreshing thoughts and ideas that God, the only Mind, has provided for them. They have let themselves be cut off from the waters of Life. Their thinking has become stale and stagnant. The joy, the spontaneity, and the loveliness of life seem gone, and often they wonder why.
Christian Science shows the individual that the wellsprings of life, joy, inspiration, and newness are within infinite Mind, reflected in man's God-constituted consciousness. How can he bring these vital, refreshing currents into his daily life? By systematic study of the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy and through earnest, understanding prayer, whereby he applies the ideas his study acquaints him with. It is as simple as that. God's will is for His every individual idea continuously to express the freshness, joy, and spontaneity of everlasting Life and Love. What seems to drag, to resist the efforts of the individual to let the inspiring Mind of Christ be in him, is the one evil, godless mortal mind. It is not the real selfhood or consciousness of you or me. Let us not accept it as such, or believe its suggestions to be our thinking.
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January 30, 1943 issue
View Issue-
"Alertness to Duty"
In God's Hands
Two Yokes
Spiritual Evidence versus Material Testimony
Doing as We Are Told
Go Forth to Live, Men in Uniform!
Peter V. Ross
The Lesson of the Lily Pool
Paul Stark Seeley
Introductions to Lectures
with contributions from Lucy Latham Givens, Thomas Dyson, Howard Jacob Leonard, Hazel J. Smith
Radio Program
Christian Science program over Station WEAF, New York City, conducted by Walter W. Kantack,
From the age of four or five...
Louis Douglas Roberts
It would be impossible for me...
Edna N. Christensen
Christian Science was first presented...
Monica M. Granville-Jones
In humble gratitude to God for...
Irene Douglass with contributions from W. B. Douglass, Fred Douglass
I am grateful for the countless...
Laura Chalker Pleming with contributions from Florence Tressie Chalker
"Therefore with joy shall ye...
Faith Emery Hurd
Our Portion Evermore
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Cordell Hull, Walton E. Cole, Robert Homiston, Donald M. Nelson, J. Rolph Morden, Fred A. Line