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Christian Science was first presented...
Christian Science was first presented to me about six years ago. At that time I had become dissatisfied with religion as I knew it, because it seemed to have no practical answer to the problems of life. I had become very discouraged and depressed, and had practically ceased attending the church in which I had been brought up, though I felt sure there must be some guiding Principle governing all things, if I could only find it. One Sunday evening, at the invitation of a friend, I attended a Christian Science service, and knew at once that I had found the truth I was seeking. I bought a copy of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and commenced to read it and to study the Lesson-Sermon given in the Christian Science Quarterly.
During that first service, my attention was arrested by the following sentence, which was read from page 261 of the textbook: "Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionably to their occupancy of your thoughts." These words seemed to hold a promise for me, and I am most grateful to say that that promise has been abundantly fulfilled as I have continued to study Mrs. Eddy's teachings and endeavored to put them into practice. My whole outlook on life has changed, and I have learned to trust God in every circumstance, knowing that His love meets every need. I have been enabled to overcome fear, particularly of the future, and also extreme shyness and self-consciousness. I am grateful to have learned in some degree that my happiness is not dependent on material things or personal attachment, and to have gained a better understanding of true friendship.
I am also grateful for a number of physical healings. The most remarkable, to me, was that of defective eyesight. I had worn glasses since childhood, and had been told by several eye specialists that I should have to wear them all my life. No specific work was done for this condition. The healing came about gradually, as I studied and endeavored to put into practice what I was learning, and indeed it filled me with surprise when I realized that the healing was taking place. I found that I could do without the glasses for longer and longer periods until, after a month or two, I was able to lay them aside altogether. This occurred over five years ago, and I have never felt the slightest need for them since, though my work is of a nature that is usually regarded as trying on the eyes. I have been able to work long hours without the slightest sense of strain. This healing helped me greatly in the early days of my study, because it was such a clear proof that "with God all things are possible."
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January 30, 1943 issue
View Issue-
"Alertness to Duty"
In God's Hands
Two Yokes
Spiritual Evidence versus Material Testimony
Doing as We Are Told
Go Forth to Live, Men in Uniform!
Peter V. Ross
The Lesson of the Lily Pool
Paul Stark Seeley
Introductions to Lectures
with contributions from Lucy Latham Givens, Thomas Dyson, Howard Jacob Leonard, Hazel J. Smith
Radio Program
Christian Science program over Station WEAF, New York City, conducted by Walter W. Kantack,
From the age of four or five...
Louis Douglas Roberts
It would be impossible for me...
Edna N. Christensen
Christian Science was first presented...
Monica M. Granville-Jones
In humble gratitude to God for...
Irene Douglass with contributions from W. B. Douglass, Fred Douglass
I am grateful for the countless...
Laura Chalker Pleming with contributions from Florence Tressie Chalker
"Therefore with joy shall ye...
Faith Emery Hurd
Our Portion Evermore
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Cordell Hull, Walton E. Cole, Robert Homiston, Donald M. Nelson, J. Rolph Morden, Fred A. Line