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Some twelve years ago I was despondent, weak, and ill
Some twelve years ago I was despondent, weak, and ill. My small son was considered delicate, and was under almost constant medical attention. I had ceased attending the orthodox church, because it failed to satisfy my longing for some sure rock or foundation. Such was the condition of affairs in my life when Christian Science, with its simple and demonstrably true revelation of God as Love, was brought to my attention. I sent my boy to the Christian Science Sunday School, and began to study the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. In a remarkably short time this beautiful religion brought not only comfort, but also healing to me and to my boy. Since the day he entered the Sunday school he has not taken medicine or turned to a doctor, except when examined on entering the Australian navy. His brothers and sisters have likewise derived great benefit from attending the Sunday school.
In the years since I took up the study of Science, many have been the occasions when urgent physical needs have been quickly and completely met by the application of Christian Science to the problem. Among other ills, measles, whooping cough, and influenza were quickly overcome.
Two experiences of my own stand out because of the urgency of the need and the quickness with which Christian Science met it. On the first occasion, I had undergone a major surgical operation, and what I believed to be pneumonia had developed within a few hours of my return home. About midnight I asked my husband to call a Christian Science practitioner. When the call was made I felt I had very little time left to live, but in a short time I went peacefully to sleep, and in the morning there was no trace of the illness left. On another occasion, the gas had been left turned on, but unlit, in the oven. After lighting the top burners, I opened the oven door and stooped to remove a tray. The gas-filled oven ignited with a loud explosion, and a burst of flame enveloped my head, face, and neck, causing agonizing pain and injuring my neck so that I could not turn my head at all. It was about ten minutes before any adult arrived, and then I asked that a Christian Science practitioner be called. Five minutes after the call all pain left me, the stiffness went from my neck, and my face resumed its natural color. I was able to finish cooking and serving the meal, and, except for burned eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair, there remained no sign of the occurrence. I had no aftereffects whatever.
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March 16, 1940 issue
View Issue-
The Balance of Power
"A new commandment"
Right Determination
Awake, O Dreamer!
Spiritual Habitation
"Playing the game"
A Christian Science period in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation "Devotional Program"...
"Devotional Period" talk over Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Network by Russell K. Odell,
"He careth for you"
Duncan Sinclair
"There is no disease"
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Clark C. Stockford, John R. C. Wright, Edith Coonley Howes
Tenderness drew me to Christian Science twenty-six...
Margaret West Hill
I have countless reasons for being grateful for Christian Science
Frank M. Milburn
In Science and Health our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy...
Aleph E. Cartwright
Great gratitude is mine for the opportunity of giving the...
Daisy E. Canute
It is with deepest gratitude for Christian Science and...
Bessie Hartman
Some twelve years ago I was despondent, weak, and ill
Clarice W. Wyett
It is with a heart filled with gratitude that I give this...
Irene E. Sterling
About three years ago I had an illness, which grew...
Elsie McCarthy
In Article VIII, Section 24, of the Manual of The Mother Church...
Rowena E. Ausfahl
I should like to relate an incident which happened some...
Duane Sewell Somervell
Home at Last
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Jesse Randolph Kellems, Walter Lippmann, Edgar Lee Hewett, Stephen C. Clark, Jr., C. E. Macartney