a child, the writer listened with rapt attention to her grandfather's stories of the reeds and rushes and tall grasses which grew at the head of his old mill pond.
a Sunday morning, before class began in a Christian Science Sunday School, one of the boys casually announced to the teacher that his team had been defeated the day before in a lively football game.
"Devotional Period" talk over Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Network by Russell K. Odell,
A Christian Science period in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation "Devotional Program" series was conducted from Station CBO, Ottawa, Ontario, on Sunday afternoon, March 10, from 2.
Mary Baker Eddy took into consideration the generally accepted belief in the reality of disease and the fact that such belief, entertained by one who is uninstructed in Christian Science, is more than imagination, when she wrote.
Word is received occasionally to the effect that someone has been influenced to enter into an investment scheme or a business enterprise because the name of a Christian Scientist appears in advertising literature regarding it, or because it is recommended or mentioned by a Christian Scientist, or even by a Christian Science practitioner.
Tenderness drew me to Christian Science twenty-six years ago, the tenderness and loving-kindness of the Christ, expressed at the time my father passed on by Christian Scientists who were total strangers to me.
The printed Tenets of The Mother Church are in general use by branch churches and societies, either as a basis for their application forms for admission to membership or for binding into their by-law booklets.
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