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"Playing the game"
[Written Especially for Young People]
On a Sunday morning, before class began in a Christian Science Sunday School, one of the boys casually announced to the teacher that his team had been defeated the day before in a lively football game. The teacher remarked that he did not appear very crestfallen or disturbed over the defeat, to which he replied: "No, you see they played a better game than we did. They brought out more good qualities than we, so they were entitled to win."
The teacher was pleased, because the class had recently discussed how each could be daily about the Father's business, and it had been clearly understood and agreed that in so far as each one reflected divine qualities he was about that business. The boy in question, an ardent athlete, saw plainly that even in his most active play he could be alert, just, fair, equitable, unselfish, courageous, energetic, strong, persistent for good, swift—all good qualities.
Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, loved children. Throughout her writings, she made frequent references to them and their needs. She has written (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 240): "Children not mistaught, naturally love God; for they are pure-minded, affectionate, and generally brave. Passions, appetites, pride, selfishness, have slight sway over the fresh, unbiased thought." The teachings of Christian Science bring a blessing to children, even as they do to adults, when they are understandingly obeyed, and no one can learn too early in his experience how to bring out true manliness, his true selfhood.
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March 16, 1940 issue
View Issue-
The Balance of Power
"A new commandment"
Right Determination
Awake, O Dreamer!
Spiritual Habitation
"Playing the game"
A Christian Science period in the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation "Devotional Program"...
"Devotional Period" talk over Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Network by Russell K. Odell,
"He careth for you"
Duncan Sinclair
"There is no disease"
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Clark C. Stockford, John R. C. Wright, Edith Coonley Howes
Tenderness drew me to Christian Science twenty-six...
Margaret West Hill
I have countless reasons for being grateful for Christian Science
Frank M. Milburn
In Science and Health our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy...
Aleph E. Cartwright
Great gratitude is mine for the opportunity of giving the...
Daisy E. Canute
It is with deepest gratitude for Christian Science and...
Bessie Hartman
Some twelve years ago I was despondent, weak, and ill
Clarice W. Wyett
It is with a heart filled with gratitude that I give this...
Irene E. Sterling
About three years ago I had an illness, which grew...
Elsie McCarthy
In Article VIII, Section 24, of the Manual of The Mother Church...
Rowena E. Ausfahl
I should like to relate an incident which happened some...
Duane Sewell Somervell
Home at Last
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Jesse Randolph Kellems, Walter Lippmann, Edgar Lee Hewett, Stephen C. Clark, Jr., C. E. Macartney