Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication

In reviewing the work of the year, your Committee finds it gratifying to report that the attitude of the press has been increasingly courteous and friendly to our Cause. Statements from the press, from the pulpits, and over the air were watched. No corrections, newspaper or radio, were necessary.

Twenty-nine daily and weekly newspapers are now regularly publishing in full the Lesson-Sermon excerpts from the Christian Science Quarterly, with two or three exceptions, where only the subject and Golden Text are published. These excerpts are bearing fruit, as is evidenced by many reports of inquiries regarding Christian Science.

Through arrangements made by The Christian Science Publishing Society, The Christian Science Monitor is available to editors of newspapers on the exchange-for-advertising basis. Seventy-two newspapers have taken advantage of this plan, an increase of eight new subscriptions over last year. Two hundred and seventy-four reprints from the Monitor, giving due credit, appeared in newspapers throughout the state.

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True Thought Processes
December 9, 1939

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