of strength and inspiration for each new day is to be found in our beloved Leader's spiritual interpretation of "day" in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures".
Austin E. Page, Committee on Publication for the State of New Hampshire,
A recent issue of the Leader carried the report of a sermon in which the minister was represented as having discussed hypnotism and what he termed "the power which the mind has over the body," and, in the course of this discussion, as having alluded to this as showing "the reason that Christian Science really does help and restore to health many people.
world today, with its conflicting human opinions, its competition and rivalry, its untruthfulness and dishonesty, its lack of moral strength, presents to human sense a sorry picture.
with contributions from Emmy Walser, Adele Backus Fiske, William G. Bickell, Lydia S. Anderson, Maximino Caranters, Ivor Brewer, W. Bertic M. Ellwood, Grace H. Noble, Mary Golda Canaday
To ensure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before the date of the lecture; elsewhere, six or eight weeks before.
When I turned to Christian Science for help, I "had suffered many things of many physicians," including operations and chiropractic treatment, "and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to God for Christian Science, in the hope that my experience may be of help to others who are seeking divine guidance through this beautiful truth.
The reading of the testimonies in our periodicals has blessed me in so many ways that I, too, wish to add my song of gratitude for many proofs of Love's goodness and care.
The printed Tenets of The Mother Church are in general use by branch churches and societies, either as a basis for their application forms for admission to membership or for binding into their by-law booklets.
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with contributions from Emmy Walser, Adele Backus Fiske, William G. Bickell, Lydia S. Anderson, Maximino Caranters, Ivor Brewer, W. Bertic M. Ellwood, Grace H. Noble, Mary Golda Canaday