Nothing Merely Happens

ONE of the tantalizing, limiting beliefs of mankind, whence spring many trials and troubles, worries and woes, is the notion of chance, the educated superstition of luck, the belief that things merely happen. The notion of chance furnishes a convenient excuse for errors of omission and commission, and also is accepted by many as an explanation for accidents. The more such excuses and explanations are offered and accepted, the greater become mankind's fear and sense of helplessness. This seems to be inevitable because, if chance or luck really existed as cause, influence, or effect, then men would have legitimate occasion for fear. But, thanks to Christian Science, the illegitimacy of these beliefs, and the baselessness of the fears they arouse, have been revealed clearly and demonstrated conclusively.

Christian Science reasonably states that every effect or manifestation indicates a preceding and procuring cause, and that all causation, even in the realm of human experience, is primarily and solely mental. Then Christian Science offers to mankind the scientific corrective for its fears and discords, and spiritual control for its thinking, in the great truth that God, good, is the only Mind, the source of all true and influential ideas or thoughts. Mrs. Eddy plainly points these facts in this statement in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 424): "Accidents are unknown to God, or immortal Mind, and we must leave the mortal basis of belief and unite with the one Mind, in order to change the notion of chance to the proper sense of God's unerring direction and thus bring out harmony."

This protective and redemptive Christian Science teaching is needed sorely in every phase of human experience, for the notion of chance and luck is associated in general belief not only with accidents, but with sickness, business difficulties, moral lapses, and many other of humanity's troubles. Although it may appear that sickness merely happens when one falls ill with a disease of which that one has never heard, Christian Science explains that the generally accepted belief in such a disease lies back of the physical manifestation. Then verification is furnished in the healing of the disease by Christian Science treatment, which deals solely with mental causes and not with physical effects.

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From the Directors
May 13, 1933

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