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When I became interested in Christian Science, I was...
When I became interested in Christian Science, I was struggling with a business problem, which, it seemed to me at the time, could not possibly come out right. The worry and anxiety brought on by this trouble impaired my health. I had treatment from two doctors, and as I found myself receiving no help I turned to God for help through Christian Science. Through the loving and ever ready assistance of a very dear friend I was led to accept the truth, and after six months of much study and help the problem was met. It did not come out the way I had planned, but it showed me plainly that God's way may not be our way.
I have had many other healings, among them the healing of throat trouble, grippe, and burns. One healing which I should particularly like to mention was that of a severe pain, which had troubled me at different times for a number of years. I received my help through Christian Science, for which I am very grateful.
There is another healing which I should like to mention, in the hope that it will show how much help may be gained through the study of the Lesson-Sermons in the Christian Science Quarterly. One morning I had given special attention to the following reference from page 488 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "If it were possible for the real senses of man to be injured, Soul could reproduce them in all their perfection; but they cannot be disturbed nor destroyed, since they exist in immortal Mind, not in matter." Later in the day I left my electric flatiron turned on, forgetting it for quite a length of time. On returning to finish my work, I tried the iron by laying the palm of my hand directly across it. I immediately withdrew my hand; it was covered with a kind of coating from the effects of the extreme heat. I went directly to Science and Health, turned to page 488, and declared the truth. I returned to my ironing without any feeling of discomfort; and I can truthfully say the hand had no sensation of burning at any time. The next morning there was no sign of a scar to be seen.
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February 6, 1932 issue
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Gentle Reminders
The Power of Right Thought
Our Standard of Living
Man's Native Atmosphere
A Tap on the Window
Trusting in Divine Mind
My High Desires
My attention has been drawn to the report of an address...
Frederick H. Astley-Woodward, Committee on Publication for Devonshire, England,
As recent issues of your paper have carried reports of...
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
To the Christian Scientist God is Love...
Count Helmuth von Moltke, Committee on Publication for Germany, in the Alstertal-Bote, Hamburg (translation)
Daily Bread
Clifford P. Smith
God's Nearness
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Laura Robbins, Agnes Holmes
More than twenty years ago Christian Science was presented...
Marguerite Tebbs
Christian Science was first introduced to my family many...
Richard B. Corridon
When I became interested in Christian Science, I was...
Jessie F. Arlin
Many blessings have been experienced in the years I...
Stata L. Faust
For the great blessing that has come to the world in...
Charles M. Wilkinson
Christian Science came to me in answer to prayer
Lida St. John
Many blessings have come to me through the study of...
Constance Mary Mann
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Howard E. Thompson, Robert Robertson, Harry Beal