Inasmuch as Christian Science is the only religion which...


Inasmuch as Christian Science is the only religion which "says that disease is not real," it is evident that some of the clergyman's statements as reported in your recent issue were directed against the healing method used in Christian Science. Please permit me to say that Christian Scientists do not deny that disease seems real to the material senses; in fact, Mrs. Eddy indicates in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 460) that sickness seems very real "to the frightened, false sense of the patient." However, no one can properly say that "the frightened, false sense" has any resemblance to the calm and loving consciousness of God, divine Love. To this divine consciousness all is good and harmonious, and evil and discord are unknown. In other words, to ever present divine Love and to those whose thoughts are expressing only this divine Love, there is no reality in evil. Christ Jesus' consciousness of God and of the real man's relation to Him was so spiritual and pure that no evil could find lodgment in his thought. His prayers were joyous acknowledgments of God's goodness and of the real man's perfection. In prayer, Jesus affirmed the truth and denied the erroneous evidence of the senses. "Get thee behind me, Satan," was Jesus' attitude towards evil.

Through prayer alone, Christ Jesus healed organic and functional disease. In his healing, he never made use of suggestion or of any material agency; he employed spiritual means alone, and said, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also." Christian Scientist are following the spiritual method of Christ Jesus. They are not "silly religionists," for they are replacing "false hopes" and "lost faith" with a true understanding of God and man; and by healing sickness and sin they are proving man's God-bestowed dominion over evil.

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