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As it is over sixteen years since Christian Science...
As it is over sixteen years since Christian Science first came into my life, I feel that the time has arrived to tell something of the blessings it has brought to me. From the first it inspired the conviction that there is a link between the seen and the unseen, the truth which would lead us from our imperfect sense of life into the understanding of life eternal. This conviction has never failed. It has been the lodestar from on high, guiding through the seeming mists of mortal mind.
For twelve and a half years Christian Science has been my only physician. It has cured me of the tendency to continual colds in their severest forms, of headaches, of chills and fever, and of sore throat. It was my only help during an attack of influenza which lasted but a few days. It quickly overcame the various after effects which tried to manifest themselves. My hair came out in great quantities; but through the help of a practitioner this condition ceased and a thick crop of new hair replaced what had fallen out, showing that in divine Mind there is no loss. Christian Science is healing me of self-will and selfishness, through teaching me that the only will is God's and the real self the reflection of Him. It has protected me at different times in serious accidents. On one occasion I was pushed against a standing subway train and fell under the car between the wheels. Divine Love was with me, and so great was the feeling of protection that no sense of fear came into my consciousness. The only injuries sustained were some bruises, which, though large and very black, gave me no discomfort.
For these blessings I am exceedingly grateful; but for the help that Christian Science has been in the solution of the problems of life, I am even more grateful. With the assistance of a loving practitioner I was freed from the belief of the domination and control of one human mind over another, through the understanding that God is the only Father and Mother of man and governs his every action. The conviction came to me that in order to work out a problem which was of the greatest importance in my life, it was my duty to go to England alone. I felt that I must be unhampered by human opinions and free to follow the guidance of divine Principle in this momentous step. This course met with violent opposition from a member of my family, who declared that if I pursued it a complete break between us would result. I seemed to be put in the position of either abandoning what I perceived to be my duty or of alienating my nearest and dearest relative. But "divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need," as Mrs. Eddy tells us in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 494), and was only testing me to see whether I would stand firm. For four days a loving practitioner kept declaring for me that God alone governs man, that no human being has domination or control over another, and that whatever was right for one to do he was free to perform. She not only cleared my thought in regard to my own freedom, but showed me that the belief of domination had no power to bind the other individual, who also was God's free child. After these days of earnest work the demonstration was made, opposition and domination faded away, freedom was realized for both of us, and the truth of Mrs. Eddy's words was made manifest that "in the scientific relation of God to man, ... whatever blesses one blesses all" (ibid., p. 206). From this demonstration has come the greatest blessing in my life, a blessing for which I shall be eternally grateful.
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September 18, 1926 issue
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Failure Impossible to Omnipotence
In His Presence
Overcoming Discouragement
Learning to Fly
The Day's Work
A more careful study of Christian Science on our critic's...
G. Ervin Thompson, Committee on Publication for the State of Rhode Island,
A recent issue of your paper contains an extract of a...
W. Truman Green, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
Please permit us to say that the statement made—according...
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
In view of the publicity recently given to a former Jewish...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
In reporting a review of a book entitled "Divine Law...
W. Clyde Price, Committee on Publication for the State of Utah,
The article, "Jesus Heals and Saves a Blind Man," in...
Charles W. Hale, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
In a recent issue of the Bulletin "Dorothy Dix" purports...
Peter B. Biggins, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
"Take ye away the stone"
Albert F. Gilmore
"Faith, hope, charity"
Ella W. Hoag
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Martha R. Porter, J. Donald Hinds , Willardie Blomquist Ketchum, Frank Seed, Maurice Kennedy
With gratitude unmeasured and a sincere desire to help...
Ida M. Haswell
As it is over sixteen years since Christian Science...
Estelle Crane MacGregor
I first heard of Christian Science through the healing of...
Edyth C. Fisher
"Does Christian Science heal?" is the inquiry of every...
Florence E. Weston
In 1915, my mother and I went to Chicago to consult a...
Merle Holland Dean
Since childhood, Christian Science has been in my home,...
Helen R. Carroll
My heart is full to overflowing with gratitude for the...
Alonzo McClure
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Kensington, G. A. Studdert Kennedy