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The caption, "Christianity Alone Can Save the World,"...
Ames Daily Tribune
The caption, "Christianity Alone Can Save the World," used as a heading in your recent report of an address by a London bishop before the State College students in Ames, is agreed to most heartily. That the report, however, quoted the lecturer as classifying Christian Science among "non-christian beliefs" was noticed with regret; and space for a brief statement regarding the teaching of this Christian religion is respectfully solicited. While the English churchman said, "I am a Christian because I was brought up in a Christian home," it can scarcely be believed he meant to imply that Christian environment alone entitles one to the name "Christian." Rather should one, seeing the high ideals of the Christian life portrayed in his surroundings, be led to embrace as his own the life thus held up before him. Likewise, Christian Science does not claim the designation "Christian" on the ground that it was discovered and founded by a Christian woman, Mary Baker Eddy, and in a Christian nation, even our own United States. Christian Science is Christian because it is based upon and demands the practice of the teachings of the master Christian, Christ Jesus.
The religion of Christian Science, instead of being found, as the lecturer intimated, "insufficient to mee the needs of a great majority of people," has proved itself all-sufficient in satisfying not alone the longings of the heart for spiritual understanding of God, but, besides, this supreme Christian ministry has afforded relief from physical and mental discord, as among the things which Jesus declared should "be added" to those seeking first the kingdom of God. Unnumbered thousands to-day bear witness to this experience, and rejoice in the understanding of God as the Father of man, as Jesus plainly taught. This has, furthermore, led the beneficiaries of Christian Science to recognize not only the brotherhood of all Christian people, as the bishop strongly urged, but the universal brotherhood of all mankind.
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December 25, 1926 issue
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The Song of the Angels
Human Need
Seeking the Kingdom
"Blind Bartimæus"
Like Streams from Flowing Fountains
God Our Refuge in Trouble
And There Were Shepherds
"Blest Christmas morn"*
I have read with interest your report, in part, in a recent...
Arthur E. Blainey, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Cannada,
Under the name of "Truth Seeker," a contributor to the...
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
You gave in a recent issue of the Guardian the address...
Frank Savage, Committee on Publication for Nottinghamshire, England,
The caption, "Christianity Alone Can Save the World,"...
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
In the "Diet and Health" column in your recent issue...
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
Bethlehem To-day
Way-Shower and Saviour
Albert F. Gilmore
The Star
Ella W. Hoag
Perfect Peace
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Wilfred Tempest, Walter M. Harrison, Robert Edwin Post, Charlotte F. Mueller, Albert Espey, Struan Robertson, Jr., Anna C. Dickey
So freely have I received of the blessings which Christian Science...
Daisy L. Whittaker
Twenty-five years ago Christian Science was brought to...
James M. Thompson
I feel I should like to express my gratitude for the understanding...
Elizabeth Rothwell
I had always had a great desire to love God supremely;...
Grace Moon with contributions from Josephine Watts, Grace Gordon Moon
I should like to express my deep gratitude for Christian Science...
Edith M. O'Brien
After many years of suffering and operations, and being...
Alberta J. Fischer
In grateful acknowledgment of the many benefits received...
Isabel I. Herrick
Truly "my cup runneth over," and I am deeply grateful...
Etta L. Durning
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Jennie Lehrberg
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Jos. M. Henderson, Ralph W. Sockman, George Burden, Henry C. Culbertson, W. L. Mackennal