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Like Streams from Flowing Fountains
One can hardly think of a spring of pure cold water without the associated picture of people gathered about it to enjoy its satisfying bounty. It is indeed an interesting sight to watch a group about a park spring in a large city on a warm day. Within a comparatively few moments dozens or even scores of persons may appear on the scene to quench their thirst. It is also interesting to note how such a group of city folk, who at other times might feel a sense of hurry and impatience, at the spring are disposed to be patient and considerate of one another; for they know that the supply is abundant for all who desire to partake, and also that the flow of water is so constant as to preclude any necessity for crowding.
How similar in some respects to the spring is a Christian Science Wednesday evening testimony meeting, where are gathered individuals from near and far who are seeking and thirsting for the healing and satisfying truth there poured forth! How necessary it is for every one who participates in this gathering to bring with him a receptive mental attitude, ready to take the clear, satisfying Word of God as it is given out at the desk from the Bible and from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and as its expression flows forth in grateful testimonies of healing from earnest hearts! What need, also, that each one bring the attitude of meekness and humility wherewith to put aside a sense of faultfinding, and stoop with dignity to the point where he is able to receive the healing message from each honest testimony, however falteringly given!
Another very interesting phase of these Wednesday evening testimony meetings is to be found in the preparation of all the good which comes forth, whether comes forth, whether from the desk, the testimonies contributed, the organ, or the hymns. As the spring is probably the product of many underground rivulets, each clarified, purified, as it trickles through the soil, just so are the various contributions to these Wednesday evening meetings the result of individual clarification and purification of thought, enriched by gaining increasingly greater depths of humility through contact with divine Love. As nature gathers the hidden tributaries of the spring into larger and larger channels, until finally the constant-flowing fountain bursts forth from the hillside, so, in like manner, "Spirit, God, gathers unformed thoughts into their proper channels, and unfolds these thoughts, even as He opens the petals of a holy purpose in order that the purpose may appear," as Mrs. Eddy tells us on page 506 of Science and Health. Through the channel of The Mother Church and its branch churches and societies, as provided for by our revered Leader, God brings these healing thoughts of individual experience into larger expression at our midweek testimony meetings.
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December 25, 1926 issue
View Issue-
The Song of the Angels
Human Need
Seeking the Kingdom
"Blind Bartimæus"
Like Streams from Flowing Fountains
God Our Refuge in Trouble
And There Were Shepherds
"Blest Christmas morn"*
I have read with interest your report, in part, in a recent...
Arthur E. Blainey, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Cannada,
Under the name of "Truth Seeker," a contributor to the...
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
You gave in a recent issue of the Guardian the address...
Frank Savage, Committee on Publication for Nottinghamshire, England,
The caption, "Christianity Alone Can Save the World,"...
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
In the "Diet and Health" column in your recent issue...
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
Bethlehem To-day
Way-Shower and Saviour
Albert F. Gilmore
The Star
Ella W. Hoag
Perfect Peace
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Wilfred Tempest, Walter M. Harrison, Robert Edwin Post, Charlotte F. Mueller, Albert Espey, Struan Robertson, Jr., Anna C. Dickey
So freely have I received of the blessings which Christian Science...
Daisy L. Whittaker
Twenty-five years ago Christian Science was brought to...
James M. Thompson
I feel I should like to express my gratitude for the understanding...
Elizabeth Rothwell
I had always had a great desire to love God supremely;...
Grace Moon with contributions from Josephine Watts, Grace Gordon Moon
I should like to express my deep gratitude for Christian Science...
Edith M. O'Brien
After many years of suffering and operations, and being...
Alberta J. Fischer
In grateful acknowledgment of the many benefits received...
Isabel I. Herrick
Truly "my cup runneth over," and I am deeply grateful...
Etta L. Durning
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Jennie Lehrberg
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Jos. M. Henderson, Ralph W. Sockman, George Burden, Henry C. Culbertson, W. L. Mackennal