can be more sure than that our thought respecting the possibility and naturalness of divine illumination will measure the everyday earnestness with which we seek for it, and the joy of our assurance of its realization in the time of need.
three progressive experiences of Peter in prison and his conduct after liberation therefrom typify, with marvelous fullness and exactness, the spiritual stages by which so many of us, following steadfastly though slowly beyond the bars of mere material existence, have come out, under the leadership of divine Science, into "a large place," where we at least glimpse "the glorious liberty of the children of God.
the beautiful simplicity which characterizes the Bible narratives, the Master's disciples depict that wonderful drama which took place upon the hills of Judea, where five thousand people, seated upon the grass and divided into companies of fifty and one hundred, were fed with a few loaves and fishes.
Genesis we read that when the heavens, the earth, and the seas were made, when the light by day and the stars by night appeared, God created man and gave him dominion over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, and over all the earth.
song of the lark,The stars in the darkThat shine through the midnight blue;The mountain whose peakInvites you to seekA clearer, more far-reaching view;Each flower that blows,The heartsease, the rose,—What are these but God's love to you?
It is reported in the Bible that the most successful physician who ever ministered to the needs of humanity refused to accept a challenge which was intended to prove his divine sonship, but this attitude did not hinder him from healing all manner of diseases among the people who came in faith beseeching him to help them.
"Since my last letter I've been through a 'hell' a thousand times worse than the hell of our old belief, and have come out of it without a scratch and with a better understanding of God and full of gratitude for the teachings of Christian Science.
this season of the year all Christian peoples turn in thought to the resurrection of Christ Jesus and in many churches celebrate with imposing ritual their concept of the marvelous event of two thousand years ago.
Lecture notices can be printed in a particular number of the Sentinel when they reach the editorial department twelve days preceding its date of publication.
Nora W. Chase
with contributions from Marie A. Ryerson
My attention was favorably turned to Christian Science by overhearing a conversation between a physician and a patient, although several years elapsed before I met a Christian Scientist or came into possession of any of the Christian Science literature.
The benefits I have received from the testimonies printed in the Christian Science periodicals impel me to give my experience, hoping that in turn it will help others.
It is nine years since I first came to Christian Science, and I have had many healings, but the one for which I am most grateful occurred while we were living in Montreal three years ago.
"Rudimental Divine Science," by Mary Baker Eddy, has been printed in the English Braille system of type for the blind, and is now obtainable, in one volume, single copy, 50 cents; six or more, each 40 cents.
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