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Out of darkness, ignorance, confusion, Christian Science...
Out of darkness, ignorance, confusion, Christian Science lifts us into the light. For many years I longed to know what we were and what life meant. A search of college philosophy courses brought no solution. Mental and moral blindness finally resulted in a nervous breakdown, accompanied by severe headaches and a fear of losing my reason. My work at the university had to be abandoned and relief was sought in rest and osteopathic treatment. The physical conditions seemed to improve, but as the mental distress continued, a visit to a near-by relative was planned. This cousin was a Christian Scientist and told me of her healing of eye trouble. Her poised and happy life struck me as a contrast to mine, and I decided to see a practitioner. At first the explanations given seemed to my egotistical sense like a strange tongue, but I was impressed with the fact that the practitioner really seemed to believe that God heard her prayer and would answer her. In despair I decided to put aside the cynical feeling and cling to the hope held out. I shall never forget my reading of "The New Birth," in "Miscellaneous Writings," next morning.
From that time all has been different. I put off my glasses at once and have never had them on since. The rest that a knowledge of Truth brings after the strain and stress of the previous confusion is like the calm after a storm at sea. The simplicity of the truth that God is All-in-all, comes like a healing balm to the tempest-tossed, double-minded thought trying to solve the problems of the universe on the basis of mind and matter. It shows us clearly that all our seeming troubles are due to ignorance of Truth. The understanding of what is true dispels mental darkness as readily as the dawn dispels the night.
Words can never pay our debt to those who suffered that the way might be made plain for us, but a tribute of gratitude may be a partial expression of the longing to pay that debt. When we were wandering and frightened, like lost children, divine Love sent our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, to tell us that we need not be afraid; and divine Love is still sending us loving messages of comfort through the channels she provided, through our good angel visitors, the Journal, Sentinel, and Monitor. The message of God's love comes, too, through the faithful work of the teachers, practitioners, and lecturers, who are reflecting the love of our Father-Mother God. To their fidelity the world surely owes unstinted gratitude.—(Miss) Helen Paul, Moorestown, N. J.
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October 25, 1919 issue
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Love and Fear
Healing through Truth
A Flood Tide of Love
"Lord, teach us to pray"
"Could ye not watch?"
My Garden
The kindly and tolerant thought toward Christian Science,...
W. Stuart Booth
Christian Science has awakened the human consciousness...
Willis D. McKinstry
Our critic says, "We do not dispute for a minute as to...
Willard J. Welch
Symptoms of Recovery
William P. McKenzie
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Anna G. Herring, Ervin E. Eldridge, Elmer E. Nordwall, Stirling Horner, Elmer B. Sanford, Oliver S. Brown, Frederick P. Burrall, James Stratton Taylor, Kate E. Thew, E. G. Bradley, Harold L. Ransom, Percie Proctor
Christian Science has meant everything to me, and it is...
Mary Seymour Stryker
It is now over five years since I took up the study of...
A. Holzman with contributions from Dorah Holzman Merz
All that I am, and all that I possess, I owe entirely to the...
Reginald J. Chandler
In 1901 I went to Oregon for a change of climate because...
Margaret McCluskey
For many years I was an earnest seeker after truth, and...
Evangeline Hathaway
I am thankful to have the privilege of adding my testimony...
Ezra S. Wenrich
It is with sincere gratitude that I give this testimony
Lucy C. Osborn
I could not begin to enumerate the blessings Christian Science...
Garnett Johnson Pratt