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"Lord, teach us to pray"
THE plea of the disciples to be taught of their Master the right concept of prayer is echoed by the beginner in the study of Christian Science. Before the great fact of an infinite, incorporeal God had been fully accepted, and the understanding of heaven as an eternal condition of spiritual harmony had been attained, there had appeared to one seeker after Truth a feeling that something vital had been taken away from prayer. This seeming loss was afterwards proved to be gain, for with the giving up of the limited concept of God,—a God who, seated upon a great white throne in a material heaven whose streets were paved with gold, judged His children and forgave or punished, blessed or condemned, according to His will,—came the childlike receptivity to the Christian Science teaching of God as infinite good.
Through the study of the chapter on Prayer in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the textbook of Christian Science, the former prayer of beseeching gave place to the prayer of understanding, yea, of gratitude, and the young student rejoiced in the comprehension of the words spoken to the elder son when the prodigal returned to his father's house, "Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine." All good has been the full heritage of the real man forever. Unlike the heir to material possessions, who inherits only his share, each son of the heavenly Father inherits all. Can we ask for more?
To obtain this understanding of prayer, Mrs. Eddy counseled the students of Christian Science to search the Scriptures and ponder upon their message, even as the virgin mother pondered the sweet secret of the angel vision. We do not have to plead to have the loving promises of the Bible fulfilled, but we need to understand the conditions of their fulfillment. Many of the promises have conditions attached to them, and only as we seek in prayer and knock at the heavenly door of understanding, can the fulfillment be demonstrated. Writing upon the subject of prayer, Henry Drummond says, "Men pray for things which they are quite unable to receive, or altogether unwilling to pay the price for."
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October 25, 1919 issue
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Love and Fear
Healing through Truth
A Flood Tide of Love
"Lord, teach us to pray"
"Could ye not watch?"
My Garden
The kindly and tolerant thought toward Christian Science,...
W. Stuart Booth
Christian Science has awakened the human consciousness...
Willis D. McKinstry
Our critic says, "We do not dispute for a minute as to...
Willard J. Welch
Symptoms of Recovery
William P. McKenzie
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Anna G. Herring, Ervin E. Eldridge, Elmer E. Nordwall, Stirling Horner, Elmer B. Sanford, Oliver S. Brown, Frederick P. Burrall, James Stratton Taylor, Kate E. Thew, E. G. Bradley, Harold L. Ransom, Percie Proctor
Christian Science has meant everything to me, and it is...
Mary Seymour Stryker
It is now over five years since I took up the study of...
A. Holzman with contributions from Dorah Holzman Merz
All that I am, and all that I possess, I owe entirely to the...
Reginald J. Chandler
In 1901 I went to Oregon for a change of climate because...
Margaret McCluskey
For many years I was an earnest seeker after truth, and...
Evangeline Hathaway
I am thankful to have the privilege of adding my testimony...
Ezra S. Wenrich
It is with sincere gratitude that I give this testimony
Lucy C. Osborn
I could not begin to enumerate the blessings Christian Science...
Garnett Johnson Pratt