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Eleven years ago when everything in a material way had...
Eleven years ago when everything in a material way had failed to heal me of a nervous condition from which I had suffered for several months, it was again proved that "man's extremity is God's opportunity." I had come to the conclusion that death was the only way out of my suffering, as I was growing weaker every day. One morning when I was feeling unusually depressed and discouraged, a lady came to see me and suggested that I try Christian Science. She was not a Christian Scientist, but had been healed of some physical condition through its treatment. I asked a Christian Scientist of my acquaintance to come over and tell me about this religion, and after talking to her a while discovered she was a practitioner, so asked her to treat me.
From that day I have never used material remedies, but have relied upon the truth to meet my every need. I often feel grateful for the trying experience that brought me into this beautiful light, for Christian Science has made a changed woman of me, physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually, and has given me an altogether different outlook on life. For several years I had been troubled with inflammation of the bladder. This was permanently healed shortly after I took up the study of Christian Science, although several physicians had said that only an operation would heal me. Pleurisy, grippe, and sore throat have been overcome almost instantaneously.
These are just a few of the many blessings Christian Science has brought me. It has indeed done wonders for me, and I can never be grateful enough for it. I am thankful to God for revealing this truth to Mrs. Eddy, and every day feel more grateful to our Leader for giving it to the world.—(Mrs.) Effie Adams, Butte, Mont.
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October 25, 1919 issue
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Love and Fear
Healing through Truth
A Flood Tide of Love
"Lord, teach us to pray"
"Could ye not watch?"
My Garden
The kindly and tolerant thought toward Christian Science,...
W. Stuart Booth
Christian Science has awakened the human consciousness...
Willis D. McKinstry
Our critic says, "We do not dispute for a minute as to...
Willard J. Welch
Symptoms of Recovery
William P. McKenzie
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Anna G. Herring, Ervin E. Eldridge, Elmer E. Nordwall, Stirling Horner, Elmer B. Sanford, Oliver S. Brown, Frederick P. Burrall, James Stratton Taylor, Kate E. Thew, E. G. Bradley, Harold L. Ransom, Percie Proctor
Christian Science has meant everything to me, and it is...
Mary Seymour Stryker
It is now over five years since I took up the study of...
A. Holzman with contributions from Dorah Holzman Merz
All that I am, and all that I possess, I owe entirely to the...
Reginald J. Chandler
In 1901 I went to Oregon for a change of climate because...
Margaret McCluskey
For many years I was an earnest seeker after truth, and...
Evangeline Hathaway
I am thankful to have the privilege of adding my testimony...
Ezra S. Wenrich
It is with sincere gratitude that I give this testimony
Lucy C. Osborn
I could not begin to enumerate the blessings Christian Science...
Garnett Johnson Pratt