cannot think of anything without, consciously or unconsciously, taking into consideration its relation to something else; and there is no relation except that coming through position; that is, through the place or order in which one particular thing stands, or is maintained, to other things, specific and general.
Christian Science teaches every student very early in his experience that it is both important and necessary to translate the Bible into its spiritual or metaphysical meaning, and until we do this we fail to gain or demonstrate the vital healing power which its golden treasures disclose when revealed in their true light.
Christian Science has awakened the human consciousness from a mere belief in the Word of God as found in the Holy Bible to the scientific knowledge of the teachings and demonstrations of Christ Jesus, whereby mankind establish their faith by their works.
Our critic says, "We do not dispute for a minute as to the healings that Christian Science claims, because if the devil can oppress he can lift the oppression.
with contributions from Anna G. Herring, Ervin E. Eldridge, Elmer E. Nordwall, Stirling Horner, Elmer B. Sanford, Oliver S. Brown, Frederick P. Burrall, James Stratton Taylor, Kate E. Thew, E. G. Bradley, Harold L. Ransom, Percie Proctor
Lecture notices can be printed in a particular number of the Sentinel when they reach the editorial department twelve days preceding its date of publication.
Christian Science has meant everything to me, and it is with a deep sense of gratitude that I testify to the healing I have had through seeking "first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness," as taught in the Scriptures and in Mrs.
A. Holzman
with contributions from Dorah Holzman Merz
It is now over five years since I took up the study of Christian Science solely for physical healing; however, I soon found a beautiful religion, which healed me at once of my prejudiced thought.
Eleven years ago when everything in a material way had failed to heal me of a nervous condition from which I had suffered for several months, it was again proved that "man's extremity is God's opportunity.
I have hesitated about sending my testimony to the Sentinel before this, but now see that a demonstration is not complete if one does not pass a hopeful word on to others who may be seeking for the truth.
I could not begin to enumerate the blessings Christian Science has brought to me and mine, but I want to express my gratitude, first of all, to our revered Leader, Mrs.
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with contributions from Anna G. Herring, Ervin E. Eldridge, Elmer E. Nordwall, Stirling Horner, Elmer B. Sanford, Oliver S. Brown, Frederick P. Burrall, James Stratton Taylor, Kate E. Thew, E. G. Bradley, Harold L. Ransom, Percie Proctor