Paul declared, "There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body," his evident purpose was not to make a plea in behalf of matter or the flesh, which the Master before him had branded as a thing altogether unprofitable, but simply to comfort his hearers with the assurance that they would not lose their individuality on account of the apparent death of the mortal body.
the beginning of the present world struggle, one Christian Scientist thought she was working to the best of her knowledge for the good of mankind, but one day in May, 1917, while quietly studying the Lesson-Sermon, the telephone rang, and a message came from a dear son who said he was going to report on a certain date at a camp, to be better prepared to serve God and humanity.
of the most specious arguments of the human mind enticingly laid across the path of a Christian Scientist is that the student is, as such, entitled to personal privileges or to receive special consideration.
apostle James admonishes every one who is lacking in wisdom to ask of God, and he couples with the admonition one of the great promises of the Bible.
A correspondent who has written as though Christian Science could not cure a sick horse, particularly when the practitioner and the horse are two hundred and fifty miles apart, should remember that John Wesley cured his horse by prayer, and should consider whether more or less space between him and his horse would have made any difference.
Referring to a Christian Science service, the church editor of the News says: "A Christian Science sermon consists of quotations from the Bible, followed by the 'spiritual interpretations' of Mrs.
is the hour they then foretold—When earth, inebriate with crime,Laughed right to scorn, and guilt, grown bold,Knelt worshiping at mammon's shrine.
that your home looks out on the western sea, and one day as the sun sinks in golden glory illumining the Pacific you learn that a young friend must soon leave his camp and take ship to cross the Atlantic, and wants to have "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" for his companion.
are asking at this hour what effect present world conditions are having upon children; and when we remember the sensitive thought of those who are very young, we may well be concerned respecting the means taken to preserve them from the hardships and sufferings which so many adults have to face and overcome.
In order to be better prepared to give spiritual help in the Army and Navy through Christian Science literature and in other ways, it is desired to secure the names and present complete mail address of all officers and men in the military, naval, or aero service of the United States and of its allies, who are Christian Scientists or who have shown an interest in Christian Science.
The mitigation of the effects of what seemed a serious accident, by dwelling almost immediately upon the truth about the occurrence instead of upon the evidence of the material senses, has been so encouraging to me that I want to tell others of it, to whom it may be useful at moments when so-called material law asserts itself.
I came into Christian Science through the healing of a member of our family who was suffering from diabetes, and by attending the services regularly, gradually found something that I had been wanting,—an understanding of God, Love.
Having lived for some time where I have not had the privilege of church attendance, I wish especially to express my gratitude for the Lesson-Sermons and for the Journal, Sentinel, and Monitor.
The difficulty in giving a testimony of benefits received through Christian Science is in knowing where to begin and where to stop, for Christian Scientists have so much for which to be grateful.
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